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If your child is going to be absent from school for any reason, please phone school before 9.15am.

Phone: 01623 792671

We appreciate your support in helping to prevent the spread of illness. If your child shows symptoms of sickness and/or diarrhoea not related to their medical condition, please keep your child off school for 48 hours after their last episode of sickness or diarrhoea.

If your child is prescribed antibiotics for an illness which could be passed onto others, they will need to be off school for a minimum of 48 hours from the first dose of antibiotics being administered.

If your child has had a general anaesthetic it is school policy to keep your child at home for 48 hours after to ensure they are fully medically safe to return to school. For important information regarding attendance and attendance monitoring at The Fountaindale School, Please see our Attendance Policy for further information:

Fountaindale School’s Expectation

We set very high standards with regard to attendance. Your child should be in school every day unless he or she is ill or are required to attend an appointment. Holidays during term time cannot be authorised and Unexplained absences are always queried.

Medical and Dental Appointments

We understand the complex medical needs of our children and that often the many medical appointments are within school time. We do encourage medical professionals to attend the school itself wherever possible to reduce the amount of education your child is missing. We also understand the complex transport arrangements for our children and would encourage you to bring your child back to school wherever transport is available.

Remote Learning

Many of our students experience significant patterns of attendance in hospital. As a school we are committed to partnering the hospital education team by providing after day 5 of treatment in hospital an assessment record and work that can be completed where possible online through the seesaw communication tool.

Where families request physical work for their child, the relevant class team will reach out and deliver the necessary resources. We also understand that some of our children find accessing learning extremely difficult outside of school so a personalised approach is taken in co-production with the family and medical team is taken at all time.

For help with your child and accessing remote learning please do contact the relevant class team through Seesaw


Contact Us

Nottingham Road, Mansfield,
Nottinghamshire, NG18 5BA

01623 792671