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As per the school’s Admissions Policy, all pupils who attend Fountaindale School will have had a Statutory Assessment of their SEND by the Local Authority. Following this assessment the school will be consulted as part of the Education, Health and Care (EHC) planning process, if it is agreed at panel that it can meet the needs of the child. 

Prospective parents/carers are encouraged to visit the school as part of the preparation of their contribution towards their child's special needs assessment.  

Subsequent to Fountaindale School being named in the child’s (EHC) and the school receiving a copy of this, the school will arrange a pre-admission meeting to collate the schools Admissions Information alongside the medical team supporting your child.

The child will start their transition into school as soon as is practically possible following the Admissions information being completed and transport arrangements being made. Admissions are usually in September of each year at the beginning of the academic year. 


Contact Us

Nottingham Road, Mansfield,
Nottinghamshire, NG18 5BA

01623 792671