Our School
Welcome to the Fountaindale Family.
Fountaindale is a school for children and young people who are 3 to 18 years old who have profound and multiple learning needs, complex physical and medical needs and sensory needs. At Fountaindale we are passionate that every day matters for children and have our children and families at the heart of everything we do.
Our belief that it & takes a village to raise a child is one whereby we walk the path alongside our pupils and families to ensure they do not feel alone or without support as they guide their child through their journey.
Rob Mulvey - Designated Safeguarding Lead - RMulvey1@nexusmat.org - Phone: 01623 792671
If you have safeguarding concerns outside of hours or during a holiday, then please use the school mobile number: 07512 3011996.
Gayle Bowmer - Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead - gbowmer@nexusmat.org - Phone: 01623 792671
Dan Machin - Deputy Head / SENCO - DMachin@nexusmat.org - Phone: 01623 792671
Karen Redgate - School Resource Manager - KRedgate@nexusmat.org - Phone: 01623 792671
On this page you will find information about our vision and values and our curriculum.