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Support and Activities

We appreciate how difficult it can be to find sources of advice, support and recommendations. With this in mind, we have created this resource page.  It is a collection of websites and pages that have been recommended by the family and friends of Fountaindale School.  We thank the contributors so far and hope that it can be useful to others.  Please let us know if there are things that you would like to add. 

Sharing is caring!

Short Breaks

Short Breaks is a service provided by the LA that supports families but only after they have been approved through the application process.

The services listed in the directory below are available to those families whose disabled children and young people are eligible for a short break service. This may have been through completing a short break application online at or through an assessment carried out by Nottinghamshire County Council’s Children’s Disability Service or Short Break Assessment and Review Team.

Short Break Provider Directory


Places to Visit

Here are some places that have been recommended that try to cater for young people with additional needs. Another good search tool is Accessible places to go search: Home | AccessAble

Notts have a webpage that lists things to do in the local area.  It is part of their local offer webpage:  Nottshelpyourself | SEND Local Offer - Things to do

 Clubs and Activities

Here are some clubs and organisations that might be worth considering. Please follow the links for additional information. 

Parent Support Pages

Here are some Facebook pages that might be of interest to some families.

  • Little Legs with Lauren: Facebook
  • Derby SEND information advice and support service: Facebook
  • DWP PIP DLA Disability Information Support Group Facebook 
  • M&S and Me. Special Needs Clothing for Children Facebook

Support Groups

Here are some support groups that have been recommended by families or friends of the school. 

Contact Us

Nottingham Road, Mansfield,
Nottinghamshire, NG18 5BA

01623 792671